
Sales - Field List

The Field and initial values that can be handled by the Sales API are shown below.

  • The Name (item name) is changeable and thus may differ from the actual name.
  • Some items may have been deleted depending on the usage status of the user.
  • For the Option Type, the Aliases of the options that the item uses are written in the Definition.
  • For the Reference Type, the Alias of an upper-level Resource that the item refers to is written in the Definition.

For Fields created by a user or app or Fields not included in the following, use Field Read.


For details on the Field Type and Data Type, see Field Type & Data Type List.

The XML format differs depending on the Data Type. For details, see Read API - XML Format and Write API - XML Format.

Required for
new registration
Required for
Alias Name Field Type Definition
Sales.P_Id Sales ID System[Id] Specify -1 for new registration, and the ID to be updated for update.
Sales.P_Owner Sales Owner User  
Sales.P_Client Client System[Reference] Indicates the relevant Client.
In the case of Read, the Field of the Client Resource can be referred to.
In the case of Write, only the value of the Client.P_Id can be specified.
For performing Write, be sure to read  Notes on new registration and update.
Sales.P_Recruiter Recruiter System[Reference] Indicates the relevant Recruiter.
In the case of Read, the Field of the Recruiter Resource can be referred to.
In the case of Write, only the value of the Recruiter.P_Id can be specified.
For performing Write, be sure to read  Notes on new registration and update.
Sales.P_Job Job System[Reference] Indicates the relevant JOB.
In the case of Read, the Field of the Job Resource can be referred to.
In the case of Write, only the value of the Job.P_Id can be specified.
For performing Write, be sure to read  Notes on new registration and update.
Sales.P_Contract Contract System[Reference] Indicates the relevant Contract.
In the case of Read, the Field of the Contract Resource can be referred to.
In the case of Write, only the value of the Contract.P_Id can be specified.
For performing Write, be sure to read  Notes on new registration and update.
Sales.P_Candidate Person System[Reference] Indicates the related Candidate (Person).
In the case of Read, the Field of the Candidate Resource can be referred to.
In the case of Write, only the value of the Person.P_Id can be specified.
For performing Write, be sure to read  Notes on new registration and update.
Sales.P_Resume Resume System[Reference] Indicates the related Resume.
In the case of Read, the Field of the Resume Resource can be referred to.
In the case of Write, only the value of the Resume.P_Id can be specified.
For performing Write, be sure to read  Notes on new registration and update.
Sales.P_RegistrationDate Date Created System[DateTime]  
Sales.P_RegisteredBy Registered by User  
Sales.P_UpdateDate Date Updated System[DateTime]  
Sales.P_UpdatedBy Updated by User  
Sales.P_Phase Phase Option[Drowdown] Option: Option.P_SalesPhase
For details on the notes, see Write API - Phase Update.
Sales.P_PhaseDate Phase Date DateTime For details on the notes, see Write API - Phase Update.
Sales.P_PhaseMemo Phase Memo MultilineText For details on the notes, see Write API - Phase Update.
Sales.P_ClientOwner Client Owner Reference Reference: Client.P_Owner
Sales.P_RecruiterOwner Recruiter Owner Reference Reference: Recruiter.P_Owner
Sales.P_JobOwner JOBの所有者 Reference Reference: Job.P_Owner
Sales.P_CandidateOwner Person Owner Reference Reference: Candidate.P_Owner
Sales.P_ResumeOwner Resume Owner Reference Reference: Resume.P_Owner
Sales.P_SalesAmount Sales Amount Currency  
Sales.P_RecordDate Record Date Date  
Sales.P_EnterDate Joining Date Date  
Sales.P_BillingClient Billing Client Name SinglelineText  
Sales.P_BillingDivision Billing Division SinglelineText  
Sales.P_BillingTitle Billing Title SinglelineText  
Sales.P_BillingName Billing Name SinglelineText  
Sales.P_BillingZipcode Billing Zip Code SinglelineText  
Sales.P_BillingCountry Billing Country SinglelineText  
Sales.P_BillingPrefecture Billing Prefecture SinglelineText  
Sales.P_BillingCity Billing City SinglelineText  
Sales.P_BillingStreet Billing Address MultilineText  
Sales.U_[Name] User created item.
The name specified by the user or the name given by the system is specified for [Name].
Sales.A_[Name] App created item.
The name given by the app is normally specified for [Name].

Indicates the deletion status of the record.
 0: Undeleted record
 1: Deleted record

This field will be available from 04/10/2018.
This item can be specified only as the field parameter for Read. Condition or Order cannot be specified with this item.
Also, this item cannot be specified for Write.


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