Read - Field
The Field phrase of the Read Method should be specified as shown below. Use a comma to delimit multiple items, if specified.
field=[Field Alias],[Field Alias]...
The following example specifies the JOB ID and position name by JOB Read.
System[Reference] & User Type
When referring to the Field of the Resource in an upper level or the Field of the User, add () to the end of the Field Alias of the System[Reference] Type or User Type, and specify the desired Field Alias of the upper-level Resource in the ().
If no value is specified in the (), only the ID of the upper-level Resource is output.
To find which Field corresponds to the System[Reference] Type or User Type, check the Field List of each Resource.
field=[Field Alias]([Field Alias],[Field Alias]...)...
The following example acquires the company ID and name from the items of the company, which is the upper-level Resource, by JOB Read.
For a User Type such as {Resource}.P_Owner, only the following four items of the field can be referred to.
Note that this field is different from the field that can be acquired by the User Read API.
Read - Condition
The Condition phrase of the Read Method should be specified as shown below. Use a comma to delimit multiple conditions, if any.
When multiple items are specified, the AND condition applies to the items.
condition=[Field Alias]:[Condition Suffix]=[Value],[Field Alias]:[Condition Suffix]=[Value]...
The following example specifies the condition where the JOB ID is 100 or greater, the JOB update date 03/18/2012 00:00:00 or later, and the position name partly matches the programmer.
However, when “deleted” or “all” is specified for the Parameter : itemstate, only the following three Fields can be specified for “condition.”
Note that more than one of the following three conditions can be specified.
1. {Resource}.P_Id
2. {Resource}.P_UpdateDate
If nothing is specified, the same time 90 days prior to the date is assumed to be specified.
The maximum value that can be specified is the time and date of 90 days ago.
3. {Resource}.P_UpdatedBy
*For the deleted data, the specifications of {Resource}.P_UpdateDate and {Resource}.P_UpdatedBy are as follows:
{Resource}.P_UpdateDate = Date and time of deletion
{Resource}.P_UpdatedBy=Person who last updated the data before deletion
This specification does not apply when “existing” or nothing is specified for the itemstate.
For details, see each Resource API page.
*Parameter: itemstate will be available from 04/10/2018.
Suffix for Number type
Supported Field Type: Number、Currency、DateTime、Date、Age
Conditions can be specified for items such as numerical values and date.
If nothing particular is specified and Suffix is omitted, “eq” is assumed to be specified.
Suffix | Format | Description |
gt | [Field Alias]:gt=[Value] | [Field Alias] is greater than [Value] ([Field Alias]>[Value]). ex. Job.P_MinSalary:gt=3000000 |
or | [Field Alias]:or=[Value] | Specify [Field Alias] with the value specified for Value under the OR condition. Delimit multiple values, if specified, with a colon. Available only for the Id of the Phase API or the Resource Id. ex. Job.P_Id:or=10003:43405 |
ge | [Field Alias]:ge=[Value] | [Field Alias] is equal to [Value] or greater ([Field Alias]>=[Value]). ex. Job.P_MinSalary:ge=3000000 |
eq | [Field Alias]:eq=[Value] | [Field Alias] is equal to [Value] ([Field Alias]=[Value]). ex. Job.P_Id=100 |
le | [Field Alias]:le=[Value] | [Field Alias] is equal to [Value] or less ([Field Alias]<=[Value]). ex. Job.P_MaxSalary:le=5000000 |
lt | [Field Alias]:lt=[Value] | [Field Alias] is less than [Value] ([Field Alias]<[Value]). ex. Job.P_MaxSalary:lt=5000000 |
Suffix for Text type
Supported Field Type: SinglelineText、MultilineText、Telephone、Mail、URL
Conditions can be specified for each character string item.
If nothing particular is specified and Suffix is omitted, “part” is assumed to be specified.
Suffix | Format | Description |
full | [Field Alias]:full=[Value] | Exactly matches the string specified for [Value]. ex. Job.P_Position:full=Programmer |
part | [Field Alias]:part=[Value] | Partly matches the string specified for [Value]. ex. Job.P_Memo:part=short period |
Suffix for Option type
Supported Field Type: Option
Conditions can be specified for each option item.
If nothing particular is specified and Suffix is omitted, “or” is assumed to be specified.
Suffix | Format | Description |
or | [Field Alias]:or=[Value1]:[ValueN]... | Specify the value specified for Value under the OR condition. Delimit multiple values, if specified, with a colon. ex. Job.P_JobCategory:or=Option.P_SE:Option.P_PG |
and | [Field Alias]:and=[Value1]:[ValueN]... | Specify the value specified for Value under the AND condition. Delimit multiple values, if specified, with a colon. ex. Job.P_JobCategory:and=Option.P_SE:Option.P_PG |
Read - Keywords
Supported Field Type: MultilineText、SinglelineText、Mail、URL
- Search is performed without distinguishing upper-case characters from lower-case ones, tabs from spaces, and double-byte from single-byte of the alphanumeric characters
!”# $%&’()=-|¥^[{@`}]*:+;_/?. >,<~゛-゜。 「」、・ - Search is performed without distinguishing the symbols that belong to the following groups from the symbols within the same group.
Group 1 “”〝〞"”
Group 2 ’’''
Group 3 -ー-
Supported Field Type: Telephone
When searching for Telephone type, the field must be consisted of only numbers. It should not include hyphens or other symbols.
Read - Order
Supported Field Type: Number、Currency、Age、Date、DateTime、System
The Order phrase of the Read Method should be specified as shown below. Use a comma to delimit multiple sorting orders, if specified.
Only the values that are defined in the Field List of the supported Resource can be specified as the Field Alias.
order=[Field Alias]:desc,[Field Alias]:asc…
The following example specifies the JOB update date in descending order and the JOB registration date in ascending order.
order =Job.P_UpdateDate:desc,Job.P_RegistrationDate:desc
Suffix | Format | Description |
desc | [Field Alias]:desc | Outputs data in the descending order of the item specified for [Field Alias]. ex. Job.P_UpdateDate:desc |
asc | [Field Alias]:asc | Outputs data in the ascending order of the item specified for [Field Alias]. ex. Job.P_UpdateDate:asc |