The Fields that can be handled by the Phase API are shown below.
The Phase API does not allow the user to add any desired Field.
For details on the Field Type and Data Type, see Field Type & Data Type List.
The XML format differs depending on the Data Type. For details, see Read API - XML Format and Write API - XML Format.
Required for new registration |
Required for update |
Field Name | Data Type | Definition |
● | ● | Id | System[Id] | ID of phase. (IDs are sequentially numbered for each Resource.) Specify -1 for new registration, and the ID of the Phase to be updated for update. |
● | ● | Resource | Number | The item that Indicates the relevant Resource. For the value of the Resource, see Resource List. |
● | ● | ResourceId | Number | Indicates the Id of the record of the relevant Resource. |
ー | ー | Phase | Option[Drowdown] | Indicates the phase. For details on the notes, see Update of Write API - Phase. |
ー | ー | Date | DateTime | Indicates the phase date. For details on the notes, see Update of Write API - Phase. |
ー | ー | Memo | MultilineText | Indicates the phase memo. For details on the notes, see Update of Write API - Phase. |
ー | ー | Recent | Number | Indicates the status of the phase. 0: Past phase 1: Latest phase |
ー | ー | RegistrationDate | System[DateTime] | The data registration date of the phase. The registration date and time are automatically specified. |
ー | ー | RegisteredBy | User | The data registrant of the phase. |
ー | ー | UpdateDate | System[DateTime] | The data update date of the phase. The update date and time are automatically specified. |
ー | ー | UpdatedBy | User | The person who updates the data of the phase. |
ー | ー | OwnerDepartment | System[Department] |
Owner department registered in the phase history
ー | ー | Owner | User |
Owner registered in the phase history
ー | ー | JobOwnerDepartment | System[Department] |
※Only in Process/Sales.
Job owner department registered in the phase history |
ー | ー | JobOwner | User |
※Only in Process/Sales.
Job owner registered in the phase history |
ー | ー | ResumeOwnerDepartment | System[Department] |
※Only in Process/Sales.
Resume owner department registered in the phase history |
ー | ー | ResumeOwner | User |
Resume owner registered in the phase history