- Changed the means of providing API specifications and materials from PDF to WEB.
- Corrected some terms for consistency.
- Changed the wording of “application” to “app.”
- Changed the wording of “System Type” so that it can be divided into “System[Id],” “System[DateTime],” and “System[Reference]” according to the Data type.
- Changed both the wording of “Application Id” and “Application Id (in Katakana)” to “App ID” for consistency.
- Changed both the wording of “Secret Code” and “Secret (in Katakana)” to “Secret” for consistency.
- Reviewed the overall configuration and re-configured the category and content.
- Added a link to the related content.
- Deleted the description on [Overview].
- Added [Introduction] and described there the [What is HRBC Connect API?], [Procedure Before Starting User Apps Development], [Services to Provide], [Notes], and [Required Development Skills].
- Added [HRBC Connect API Overview] and described there [Overview], [Use Examples], [Request Examples], and [Implementation Examples].
- Added [Development Environment (Test Environment)].
- Added [FAQ].
- Changed the [API List].
- Added the link to each API details page and the processing and scope information.
- Deleted the description on the URL.
- Divided the Resource API into the Master related category and the Data related category.
- Added to [Terminology] the description on [User App], [Third Party App], [App Name], [App ID], [Secret], [Redirect URL], and [API Access Count].
- Merged the content of [Application Subscription] into [Steps for Authentication] and deleted the [Application Subscription].
- Changed [Steps for Authentication].
- Changed [Application Authentication Sequence 1] to [Authentication Sequence: code]
- Changed [Application Authentication Sequence 2] to [Authentication Sequence: code_direct]
- Added [Authentication Sequence: remove].
- Deleted [Application Authentication Sequence for Refresh Token].
- Changed the configuration of each API gage.
- Divided the inside of the page into Method and Sample, and changed the order of description.
- Abolished the display of “*” indicating that the item is required, and newly added the “Required” column in the table.
- Corrected the description on [Result Values].
- Changed so that both Input Parameter and Output XML are written in the Sample, and corrected the incorrect description.
- Changed [Parameter] to [Read API - Parameter].
- Changed [Data Type and Format] to [Field Type & Data Type List].
- Divided the System Type into “System[Id],” “System[DateTime],” and “System[Reference].”
- Added [System Field List].
- Added the following description to [Result Code List].
- Added the Common Causes and Actions.
- Added the description on code: 127.
- Added the description on code: 601.
- Deleted the [Initial Items and Options] category.
- Merged the description on the initial items into the [Field List] of each Resource.
- Added the description on the initial options as [Option - Default Option List].
- Added [Attachment Mime Type List].
- Deleted the [Special Operation] category and changed the content as follows.
- Changed [Update of the Phase] to [Write API - Update of the Phase]
- Deleted [Item Whose Name is Automatically Generated], and added description to the Definition of [Resume - Field List].
- Added [Information on Specification Changes].
- Added the following description when the functions of the Read related API were added.
- Added description on “itemstate” to [Read API - Parameter > Read - Condition].
- Added description on the following codes to [Result Code List].
- Added the description on code: 124.
- Added the description on code: 133.
- Changed the description on the Input Parameter of the Read Method of each Resource API.
- Added the description on “itemstate.”
- Added the description to “condition.”
- Added [Scheduled for 04/10/2018 Search for deleted records by Read related API] to [Information on Specification Changes].